Welcome to
Monica Johansson and NatureFootstep.com
I am interested in nature photography and photo art and travels
as much as I can to find new areas to document.
I have many blogs and below you find links to them.

Photo and PhotoArt blogs
NatureFootstep Photography and PhotoArt
Image files:  File 1,    File 2,   File 3,    File 4,   File 5

Bildverkstan - Image workshop
Image files:   Bildverkstan/Image workshop       Creative playroom ART

NatureFootstep World   Image file:  NF World

Birds blogs
NF European birds    Image files:  File 1,  File 2,  File 3
Birds around the world, Honolulu, Norway, Iceland, Japan    Image files: Around the world,   part of Japan birds
Birds in Costa Rica  Image files: Costa Rica
Birds in Morocco  Image files: Morocco
Birds in Queensland, Australia  Image files: File 1    File 2 

Saturday, November 30, 2019

AEDM30 Last one this time

 Click image to enlarge!
 The Handle has changed form a bit while working with the plastic folio on the canvas. I also added a few decoration rivets to it to ad a little contrast.
Canvas 20x30 cm

This is the disc with the handle overflow I used in the abstract above.

A blackbird sitting in the tree outside my balcony. Edited in Topaz.

© NF Photo 191130

This is the last of AEDM this year. Thanks everyone who visited my work and thanks everybody for sharing your work and inspiring me.

First snow has come to my hometown so, winter is on!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
AEDM30   Pictorial Tuesday

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 29, 2019

Meadow bokeh and dipper

 Click image to enlarge!
Yesterday I gave the BOKEH a shot. Worked rather well but I need at least one larger circle. This is the foam brushes I used.  I did enhance the colors in photoshop. A5 watercolor paper. 

 This is the scallop I had earlier. Tried the bubbles and foam but only got a couple of tiny bubbles. I think it has to be done on paper or canvas to work.

A brown and grey dipper for Rain´s garden. 

© NF Photo 191129

I woke up to the first snow this morning. 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday     AEDM29     Rain´s Garden

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

AEDM28 Blue lake disc

 Click image to enlarge!
Blue lake disc
Canvas dia30cm

Blue lake disc with a "handle"

© NF Photo 191128

I created a pour yesterday. When I looked at the table while it was drying I noticed the overflow of black paint had created a handle. The image with the handle is the image I like best, as a photographer, it also have colored reflections from my window light strand. The overflow is on a thin plastic folio. I am now preparing a mixed media painting using the "handle". But it will take time for that one to dry. 😟 I hope I can share it before AEDM is over.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

AEDM27 Fantasy heron in blue

 Click image to enlarge!
Fantasy heron in blue
© NF Photo 191127

This is the original. Great Blue heron © NF Photo 110204 in Costa Rica. Very dark and underexposed, still pretty sharp though. 

Digital art today. A bird from a trip to Costa Rica 2011.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

AEDM26 Handy tree Catching light

 Click image to enlarge!
Handy tree catching light
© NF PhotoArt 191126, 160918

 My older serie "Catching light"
© NF PhotoArt 160918

Yesterday I wanted to create a "Hand tree". I tried to copy the first of "Catching light"  on CARBon paper so I could paint on that one. But that did not work. The printer don´t seem to print white color.
So, tried to draw in Photoshop but it is hard to draw with the mouse. Then I remember, three years ago I bought the smallest of the WACOM series tablet so see if I could use it. It was hard. But yesterday I connected it and, voila, it worked well enough for the branches.

Have a nice day!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Monday, November 25, 2019

AEDM25 Butterfly

 Click image to enlarge!
This is how I started. The butterfly comes from a stencil

Just wanted to share how this Tempera color glows in certain light.

Yep, I destroyed it! Wanted to see if I could turn it "dark". Guess not 😎  But I learned how to use the tape both for holding the paper and to use it for the paint to flow over the edges.

Butterfly!  Guess I´m done for now. I also learned it it possible to wet the paper A LOT and still get away with it 😇

Butterfly in progress, Sorry, I let you see the same piece 4 times. It is sketch paper size A5. If you did not already guess.

A sidenot might be of interest. The board I use for the paper says "SCANIA" on the top. I was working on the SCANIA heavy trucks design department in many years. I designed this bord for making it easy for drivers to sit behind the wheel and make notes. You put the board in your knee and lean it to the wheel. Then you can write comfortly. 😊

© NF Photo 191125


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Sunday, November 24, 2019

AEDM24 Yellow paper and linky trouble

 Click image to enlarge!

Testing yellow paper I found in a drawer
Now..............let´s see if the linkup wants to play. They have made changes and it seems complicated to enter. UPDATE they say!

© NF Photo 191124

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Saturday, November 23, 2019

AEDM23 Calluna bokeh

 Click image to enlarge!
Calluna - Ljung

© NF Photo 191123

A photo created to get the BOKEH in front of the vegetation.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 22, 2019

PPF AEDM22 From this week

 Click image to enlarge!
The wave
This one is not yet finished, as I started it at midnight, but I wanted to photograph it before I might spoil it.
The idea is to ad foam bubbles on it. I have seen how to do it with color and dish soap.
So, wish me luck on that.

On stage, my own, homemade, stencils and foam brush on CARBon paper

My Orchids  liquidized in photoshop

And a combination of orchids and ballerina

The orchids and ballerina somehow belongs together. So, I cut out the dancer using a scalpel from a copy on paper. Had some fun with the orchids and combined it all in photoshop.
And, right now I realized I can actually cut out stencils from OverHead sheets that I have a load of since I was working.

© NF Photo 191122

Outside is a grey day so I need some color. 😀

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday    AEDM22

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

AEDM21 Black pour abstract

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 Black pour with glitter
Tempera on canvas 20x20cm

Using execs color and added a little red. Then used a balloon to create the pattern on the A4 watercolor paper. 
© NF Photo 191121

 for Rains Garden a Wintery scene on a scallop
Tempera paint and foam
© NF Photo 191114

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
AEDM21      Rains garden

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

AEDM20 More flowers and ballerina

 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 191120

A combination of my two latest projects. My orchids and the homemade stencil ballerina combined in Photoshop.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

AEDM19 Orchids

 Click image to enlarge!
Liquefied orchids

© NF Photo 191119

I have two orchids and they happened to bloom at the same time. I shot them using a black and a white background. Then decided to play with the black one.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
AEDM19      Pictorial Tuesday

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Monday, November 18, 2019

AEDM18 On stage

 Click image to enlarge!
On stage
© NF PhotoArt 191118

 Cutout ballet dancer
I copied a dancer from Pinterst. I had it for a couple of days until I realized I probably have a scalpel somewhere. When I worked as a truck designer I used some tools I still have. They were not needed when designing was digitized.  Now I found the scalpel and the writing template.

The scalpel made me able to cut out the white dancer from the white paper. So the image shows the cutout dancer as white and the "cutout form" as the black paper. Then it took me two days fo figure out what to do with them. Teh finished one is the first "On stage", CARBon paper, foam brush and tempera white color. Stencil used for the horns and lettering template.

So, now I can create my own stencils 😊

© NF PhotoArt 191118


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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