Welcome to
Monica Johansson and NatureFootstep.com
I am interested in nature photography and photo art and travels
as much as I can to find new areas to document.
I have many blogs and below you find links to them.

Photo and PhotoArt blogs
NatureFootstep Photography and PhotoArt
Image files:  File 1,    File 2,   File 3,    File 4,   File 5

Bildverkstan - Image workshop
Image files:   Bildverkstan/Image workshop       Creative playroom ART

NatureFootstep World   Image file:  NF World

Birds blogs
NF European birds    Image files:  File 1,  File 2,  File 3
Birds around the world, Honolulu, Norway, Iceland, Japan    Image files: Around the world,   part of Japan birds
Birds in Costa Rica  Image files: Costa Rica
Birds in Morocco  Image files: Morocco
Birds in Queensland, Australia  Image files: File 1    File 2 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Primary colors and art this week

 Click image to enlarge!
The beach!
Painting and decorsand on the scallop. 

The swan!
Painting and Digital edit

Burnt paper!
Digital edit

© NF Photo 230330 

For Rains  TADD and Nicoles FFO:
The three primary colours are
 yellow, red and blue.

Below are a couple of pieces where I used them. 

Eastern Rosella. Painted Australian bird.

Just some fun. 

© NF Photo 230330 


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, March 24, 2023

Bird face

 Click image to enlarge!
Snow cap

This is the cutest bird I saw in Costa Rica. And it is a rare one.It is a hummingbird/colibri so it can hover in midair. We only saw this one and just because they knew where to find it. 
This was the Grand Finale for our trip. Last day, last visit. last bird. 

© NF Photo 230324x

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Nicoles:  Friday Face Off   Saturdays Critters

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Color wheel

 Click image to enlarge!
The color wheel

Flowers using  Complementary colors
Acrylics on canvas 30x30cm

Abstract  using Complementary colors
Acrylics on canvas 30x30cm

These are quite easy and fun to create. Putting dots of colors in wet black color background and smash them with a balloon. :) 

Digital fun with fallen leaves at the bottom of a fountain. 

© NF Photo 230323 

Using Complementary for TADD today and Nicoles  Art for fun


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday face

 Click image to enlarge!
Hidden in snow
a photo with a small adjustment. 

Digital work from photos

Todays work is more or less parts of faces. So some imagination might be needed. 

© NF Photo 230317


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Friday face off

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, March 16, 2023

This week

 Click image to enlarge!
This is a piece I finished 5 minutes ago. 
I painted the background 5 days ago. When it dried I saw it,  oh. it is SAHARA! It is watercolor paper A3
This is a collage, not glued on. Would be quite impossible to glue lichen, cotton and dry flowers from my christmas cactus. The giraffes and vultures are photos I took from an exhibition they had in town a fes years ago. 

I had fun, hope you like it!

Aurora!  50x70cm
This one is painted on the bumpy backside of an old painting that was broken. I have too much paint in bottles and this one "ate" a lot of it. 

My frosty window 
digital grayscale for TADD

Icy waters
Digital from a trip to Iceland.

© NF Photo 230316 


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Art Journal     TADD     

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, March 10, 2023


 Click image to enlarge!
Frozen II with umbrellas
Stickers on a hobbypaper

Volcano Hummingbird
My photo from Costa Rica altered in Photoshop

© NF Photo 230310


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Friday Face Off    TADD

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, March 9, 2023

This weeks art

 Click image to enlarge!
For Our Midweek Muse  I choose a version of my parents Kitchen watch that I now have in my home. 
It is created by two photos and digital work. 

For Art Journal Journey I share "Where are you going" and "Footsteps"

The basic for this is a collage of colorful, painted, papers. Then I added the footsteps in Photoshop. 

This is for TADDs "Cold colors" challenge. 
This is a Work in progress. When I took the photo it was still wet and reflected some light. 
I was thinking "Aurora" when I started. But who knows how it will end. 

The snow is still on and off over here. You never know if you will walk in snow or water.

That´s all for now! wishing you all a fine weekend. 

© NF Photo 230309

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
TADD     AJJ     OMM

Meet me on Instagram:

Thursday, March 2, 2023

It´s Friday face time and AJJ

 Click image to enlarge!
The face in the wood! 
The beautiful wood came from a bench in Queensland. I was sitting on it having lunch.
The mask and the top was displayed in the library long ago too. 
I combined them. And they are now on my wall. 

Some people my daughter created long ago. I added some digital arms to them.

And for Art Journal Journey I added some rain and the song. 

© NF Photo 2303030

I´m joining Nicole for FFO  and Art Journal Journey

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Friday Face Off     AJJ

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday art

 Click image to enlarge!
First out today are my two calendars for Mars 
The one to the left got two peacock stickers on it for the right one I used different stamps. 
 I was quite surprised I managed to glue those peacocks without destroying them. They are "sitting" on a leaf that I painted on an outdoor workshop last summer. 


On fire!
This is createn on A4 watercolor-paper, burned out sparklers and acrylic colors.
It was a bit tricky to glue the sparklers on. 
For TADD that wants "Warm colors"

Wild waters!
A3  Watercolor paper. Textures and acrylic colors. 

All of these was quite fun to create. 

© NF Photo 230302

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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