Welcome to
Monica Johansson and NatureFootstep.com
I am interested in nature photography and photo art and travels
as much as I can to find new areas to document.
I have many blogs and below you find links to them.

Photo and PhotoArt blogs
NatureFootstep Photography and PhotoArt
Image files:  File 1,    File 2,   File 3,    File 4,   File 5

Bildverkstan - Image workshop
Image files:   Bildverkstan/Image workshop       Creative playroom ART

NatureFootstep World   Image file:  NF World

Birds blogs
NF European birds    Image files:  File 1,  File 2,  File 3
Birds around the world, Honolulu, Norway, Iceland, Japan    Image files: Around the world,   part of Japan birds
Birds in Costa Rica  Image files: Costa Rica
Birds in Morocco  Image files: Morocco
Birds in Queensland, Australia  Image files: File 1    File 2 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

AEDM 28 - 29 - 30

 Click image to enlarge!
I will use this post for several days of AEDM. 
Every day I will ad the image I have for that day. So, please visit daily as there will be a new one on top.  AEDM28 - 29 - 30

Santa on holiday
The two Santa´s are souvenirs from my visit to New Zeeland many years ago. 
I created a digital beach for him, so this is digitally painted. And Santa added to to the scene. 

We will soon pass Winter Solstice where we change darkness to light. Looking for Santa in the files I found this one and thought it would fit today. 

Wishing all of you a merry Christmas and a Happy new year. A little early maybe. But so what? 
Also thanks to Leah who are our host. 
Take care!
AEDM 30   Last one for this year. Thanks to all friends who visited. 

Lol, first time I tried to paint something I could eat. One of them mysteriously disappeared. 
Tempera on sketch paper A5
AEDM 29   Only one more day to go. 

Christmas plate

The only thing I painted here is the plate. Everything else is only placed on the plate. Trying to glue it would have destroyed the look of fluffy clouds and lichen. The rest is Christmas decoration for the tree. If I don´t push it around too much it can be my substitute for a Christmas tree this year. 

Take care everyone. I now have a thin layer of snow outside. Enough to lighten up the landscape. 

© NF Photo 201128


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the host Leah:
AEDM 28-29-30

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27

 Click image to enlarge!

It is my birthday today so I give myself a couple of flowers.
I am now officially 75 years of age! 

Lady Legging
And a legging to use today as it is freezing outdoors. 

Dark clouds dream with a camera that was missing in yesterdays AEDM

This was a strange one. I had a dream with darkness in it. The strange thing was I wanted to stay in that dream but knew I couldn´t so, in he dream, I tried to photograph it. The dream lasted a long time. It even came back when I took a nap in the afternoon. Added a camera to the AEDM26.
But of course, this watercolor don´t look at all as the dream.  😏

Now I have to leave as it is probably some frost to catch in nature.

Take care everyone. We are heading towards Winter Solstice. Looking forward to that. 
A crystal pyramid I found in a second hand store. You can find light everywhere 🌞

Take care everyone!
© NF Photo 201127

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday  AEDM 27

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

AEDM 24 to AEDM xx

 Click image to enlarge!
I will use this post for several days of AEDM. 
Every day I will ad the image I have for that day. So, please visit daily as there will be a new one on top.  AEDM24 - xx

Dark clouds

This was a strange one. I had a dream with darkness in it. The strange thing was I wanted to stay in that dream but knew I couldn´t so I tried to photograph it. The dream lasted a long time. It even came back when I took a nap in the afternoon. 
 But of course, this watercolor don´t look at all as the dream. Right now I figure I would have added a camera. Maybe I will.  😏

Afternoon light in November
This is created "in camera". The only edit is a little contrast.  
One day closer to Winter  Solstice. Take care everyone.

Into the light!

This is actually my shadow pointing to the Light. I took this image yesterday. Just made a few art changes to it. A month from today we celebrate Christmas eve. A few days earlier we have passed the darkest day of the year, Winter  Solstice. Something to look forward to. The light WILL come back!
Take care everyone and a digital hug from me

© NF Photo 201124


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
AEDM 24-

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 20, 2020


 Click image to enlarge!
I will use this post for several days of AEDM. 
Every day I will ad the image I have for that day. So, please visit daily as there will be a new one on top.  AEDM20 - xx

Lady legging

Lol, this was my leggings thrown on my sisters chair when I visited her. Manipulated in photoshop. 
Entry for AEDM23

Natural design
This is a design made from a photos of  Shaggy inc cup. The skirt and the cap are fungi shots. Edited in FotoSketcher and Photoshop
Entry for AEDM22     Mosaic Monday

The Face 
Sometimes nature just does it for you. This is a piece of birch bark. 
Entry for AEDM21

Watercolor spots
Sometimes you just like how the colors look when placed out. This is watercolor from tubes. I liked the spread and used thin plastic folie to press the color down. No water added. 
© NF Photo 201120
Entry for AEDM20


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, November 19, 2020


 Click image to enlarge!
Today I dedicate most part of the post to my grandmother Ingrid. 
TAD:s theme for today is Antique so I figured part of my late family would be a suitable subject. 
One of the last times I visited my grandmother I photographed her photoalbum and asked her about the info she could remember. I also received her birth gift and her postcard album. I/we wanted to be sure it stayed when she was gone. She was already giving things away. So, I did not have to beg to hard. Later on I was happy I had photographed her album because when she died her sons just threw them away :( 

Image for AEDM19 further down

My grandmother Ingrid Glad photo 1919 before her marriage. 

This is a small butter cup for dinners. She got it as a birth gift when she was born. I always loved it, she new that. She had saved it for me to take care of. 

As I mentioned I have my grandmothers Postcard album. 
This is a card she received when she was 1 year old. 

Finally from her photoalbum. This is Johanna Glad. My grandmothers grandmother. Probably photographed around 1919-1920

 Now ART!
Used the Unicorns I created last week to paint on the CARBon black A4 paper I have . 
Painted with tempera white color.
Posted for AEDM19

From AEDM earlier this week  Photo edit from several shots.

© NF Photo 201119 

Take care everyone, we are far from safe yet!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday    TAD     AEDM19

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 13, 2020

AEDM no 13 to no XX

 Click image to enlarge!
I will use this post for several days of AEDM. 
Every day I will ad the image I have for that day. So, please visit daily as there will be a new one on top.  AEDM13 - 18

Sunset Flight!
A photo manipulated part of my nearest forest. 

Autumn forest
A photo manipulated part of my nearest forest. 

Pink Lady
Tempera and a sticker on canvas 20x20 cm

Fluid art!  
Tempera on plastic plate

Sometimes things just happen!  
Tempera color on photographic paper. 

Fluid forest on a plate
Tempera color on porcelain dish. I think I have to do more of these, it was fun 😃

© NF Photo 201113 -  2011xx


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Thursday, November 12, 2020


 Click image to enlarge!
Sunset on a scallop for Rains TAD. 
By accident I manage to spill some water in a bowl of candy. Seeing the colors I thought it would be a sunset on my last scallop. They can do as "Point and Dot´s" for Rains topic today, don´t you think?
If, I ate them? Not yet! I might create more of these. 😂😇
Image above for Rain´s TAD  and AEDM 12

Dry leaves and twigs photographed on a large black paper. 
Even if the colorful part of autumn is over there is a lot of nice things out there. 

Below!  Two of the images from earlier AEDM this week for those who have not seen them. 
© NF Photo 201112

Cutting out stencils of a unicorn

Digital version of an apple bowl

Two of the images from earlier AEDM this week for those who have not seen them. 
© NF Photo 201112

Second wave! Are we tired of it! YES! Do we still have to follow the rules? YES!
Take care everyone! At least we have the art to enjoy.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday   Rain´s TAD    AEDM 12

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Friday, November 6, 2020

AEDM day6 to xx

 Click image to enlarge!
I will use this post for several days of AEDM. 
Every day I will ad the image I have for that day. So, please visit daily as there will be a new one on top. 

Unicorn stencil
Something I have been thinking on since I created the canvas Unicorn. I had one more of the stickers. 
So, I took an overhead sheet and started tu cut the unicorn out. Not as easy as it might seem. The scalpel I have is not that sharp anymore so cutting twists and turns is not easy. But it will do for what I had in mind. 
Cutting like this you get both the inside and the outside. To the left in the image are the pieces I got. 
To the right I painted the inside and outside of the unicorn to see what it would look like. 
I did the painting with a makeup brush from DOLLARSTORE. They are soft and nice to use painting with. 

Tempera on A4 photographic paper

I hope there is hope for the future. 💖

Today I have 2 images for you.
 First I made the canvas with tempera color, creating a flower with a balloon smash.

 When I saw the photo I took, I saw something else. Guess what??

Once upon a time...I was an apple!
Photo edit in Photoshop

Dark abstract. 
Tempera on A4 photographic paper

Colorful Tempera. Color dots rolled over with a balloon. 
Both on photographic paper 10x16 cm 

Click image to enlarge! 

© NF Photo 201106 to xx

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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