Welcome to
Monica Johansson and NatureFootstep.com
I am interested in nature photography and photo art and travels
as much as I can to find new areas to document.
I have many blogs and below you find links to them.

Photo and PhotoArt blogs
NatureFootstep Photography and PhotoArt
Image files:  File 1,    File 2,   File 3,    File 4,   File 5

Bildverkstan - Image workshop
Image files:   Bildverkstan/Image workshop       Creative playroom ART

NatureFootstep World   Image file:  NF World

Birds blogs
NF European birds    Image files:  File 1,  File 2,  File 3
Birds around the world, Honolulu, Norway, Iceland, Japan    Image files: Around the world,   part of Japan birds
Birds in Costa Rica  Image files: Costa Rica
Birds in Morocco  Image files: Morocco
Birds in Queensland, Australia  Image files: File 1    File 2 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Yellowstone part 2 and 3

Yellowstone part 2 and 3 AJJ

Part 1! I already shared it in an earlier post. 

So, this is part 2.
Yellowstone valley, some souvenir stones and a group photo. 
The middle shot in the low part is two stones that I photographed with different colored light. 

Part 3
Visting Petrified Forest, Teton range and San Fransisco
You see me in the red top and sitting on the rock.

It has been a very emotional journey creating this ArtJournal. Going through the photoalbums and  seeing the photos brings back soo many memories. Like when we had a sandstorm in the desert in Arizona. No shots from that event.  Had to hide the camera from all sand. The sand was everywhere and almost spoiled the camera despite the attempt to protect it. 

I really miss this place. 

TADD had the promt COLLAGE this week so I linkup with her.
 And AJJ has the promt Use a photo!

© NF Photo 230118

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Art Journal Journey   TADD

Meet me on Instagram:

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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  1. I love these collages. Yes, it's a nice way to collect travel memories

  2. Wonderful that the trip you took brought back so many wonderful memories. I enjoyed seeing you, your photos, and reading about your memories from that trip. I also know how sand and cameras do not mix. Thanks for sharing your lovely spreads with us at Art Journal Journey, Monica.

  3. These are wonderful memory collages Monica. And I love hearing your stories. I haven't been to Petrified Forest, nor been in a sand storm, but it sounds a bit frightening and also a bit of an adventure too. Thanks for linking up to AJJ so we can enjoy your memories too. hugs-Erika

  4. Collage is a great way to share all these images! Looks like a wonderful trip.

  5. fascinating and imaginative the collage! A lot of feelings come up of memories.
    Happy weekend, hug Elke

  6. Bravo!!!
    Have a nice weekend Monica


  7. I see we both like to preserve memories in collages. These are awesome ... still love the hat and am wondering where it went when you were in the petrified forest :) Nice post, Monica ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. Lovely collages of special places, Monica!

  9. Yellowstone does look fabulous and I love your collage pages. Thanks for sharing at AJJ too, hugs, Chrisx


Welcome to NatureFootstep Homepage / Monica Johansson